Let's cut crime in Hampshire

For too long, crime and anti-social behaviour has been an issue across the borough of Eastleigh.

The Conservative Government is stepping-up to this issue by opening a new police station in Eastleigh Town Centre and putting 582 new police officers on the streets of Hampshire.

But I know that we must go further. That’s why I want to understand the policing priorities for Eastleigh's residents so that, with the opening of the new police station and the surge in police numbers, we can maximise this opportunity to make our community a safer place.

Let's cut crime in Hampshire

  • Current Your top priorities for our new police
  • Your top priorities for the local area
  • Our local NHS
  • Rishi Sunak's 5 priorities
  • About you and your views
  • Get involved
  • Your details
1. What are your top priorities for our new police? Please choose THREE:
2. How safe do you feel walking round our streets? On a scale of 0-10, where 0 is extremely unsafe and 10 is extremely safe?
Extremely unsafe
Extremely safe
3. Have you or a family member recently experienced or witnessed crime?
4. If you answered yes to the previous question, was it dealt with quickly and satisfactorily?